New warning about impact of robotics on the nature of work in Peterborough

Robotics in action at Peterborough's innovative OAL, which is changing the face of the food industry.Robotics in action at Peterborough's innovative OAL, which is changing the face of the food industry.
Robotics in action at Peterborough's innovative OAL, which is changing the face of the food industry.
The impact of robotics on job opportunities in manufacturing and logistics in Peterborough is to come under the spotlight.

The transformation of the workplace by automation and robotics will be detailed by Simon Jeffery, policy officer from research group Centre for Cities, at the next Bondholder Breakfast hosted by economic development company Opportunity Peterborough.

Ahead of the meeting, Mr Jeffery said: “Manufacturing and logistics play a significant role in Peterborough’s economy so the city is likely to see a huge shift in the types of jobs available. Looking at today’s jobs market, businesses are looking for different skill sets compared to 10 years ago.

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“Where manual jobs may be lost to automation, artificial intelligence and robotics, the adoption of technology has created growing demand for skills in programming, interpersonal and analytical skills across the country. This puts an entirely new strain on businesses as the workforce adapts to meet this skills gap.”

Tom Hennessy, chief executive of Opportunity Peterborough, said: “Skills is always at the top of business’ agendas and with this new technology we should see more highly skilled jobs being created in the city.

“The establishment of a full university in Peterborough will be a huge boost to businesses and residents looking to develop new skills. Opportunity Peterborough would invite any organisation looking at its use of technology to get in touch to see how we can support their adoption of new technology whilst creating sustainable employment opportunities.”

The meeting takes place on January 22 at Ashurst First East on Southgate Park, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate,

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It will also oversee the launch of the annual Greater Peterborough Business Survey 2019 by accountants Rawlinsons.

Now in its sixth year the survey is an important avenue for local companies to bring challenges and opportunities in the local economy to the attention of Opportunity Peterborough.

It is also building up a picture of business confidence and performance in Peterborough.