Child sex offender from Peterborough caught out by ‘paedophile hunters’ jailed

Muhammed IdreesMuhammed Idrees
Muhammed Idrees
A sex offender from Peterborough has been jailed for more than three years after a ‘paedophile hunter’ group caught him in sexual communication with ‘children’.

Muhammed Idrees, 48, was arrested on January 12 this year after police received reports from a ‘Keeping Kids Safe’ group about Idrees communicating sexually with children.

During Facebook chats, Idrees had been messaging people who he believed were girls aged 13 and 14, but were actually adults trying to catch paedophiles.

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The messages were of a sexual nature, asking the girls to send indecent images of themselves and even suggesting they meet up at hotels and telling the girls he would buy them gifts. He also sent them explicit images of himself.

He was released on bail while investigations continued, however information came to light that Idrees had left the UK for France, going on to Germany, before returning to the UK on 15 June when he was further arrested.

In August 2017, Idrees was placed on the Sex Offenders Register after being convicted of two sexual assaults.

Conditions of being a registered sex offender living in the community are for them to be closely monitored by officers from the Public Protection Unit, including checks such as their online activity, access to digital devices and keeping record of their registered address.

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DS Kayleigh Smith, from the Public Protection Unit, said: “It is quite clear Idrees had no regard for the conditions placed upon him as part of being a registered sex offender, he failed to attend appointments, didn’t complete his annual notification with us and failed to inform us of his registered address – all of these measures are in place for us, as the Public Protection Unit, to monitor sex offenders to ensure they do not pose a risk to our communities.

“His behaviour towards who he believed was children shows he clearly has a sexual interest in children and poses a significant risk to our communities.”

Idrees, from Fletton, admitted three counts of attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child and failing to comply with the notification requirements of the Sex Offenders Register by failing to notify police of a change in address.

He appeared at Peterborough Crown Court on Wednesday (14 October) where he was sentenced to three years and three months in prison.

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He was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register for life and made subject of an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO).

An NSPCC spokesperson said: “Idrees is clearly a dangerous individual who attempted to groom what he thought were children. This case shows how easy it can be for a sexual predator to target children online.

“It’s a reminder that it’s vital for parents and carers to speak to their children about what they get up to online, and help them realise and understand the risks they face and what they can do if they’re worried about something.

“Children need more protection online, especially from dangerous individuals like Idree. We are currently pushing the Government hard to publish the Online Harms Bill, which will force tech companies to introduce new safety measures for every young person who uses their platforms.”

Children can contact Childline on 0800 1111. Adults with concerns for a child’s wellbeing can contact the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 8005000 or email [email protected]