Permanent barriers planned for Peterborough anti-social behaviour hotspot

Litter left behind after an illegal gathering on the site in March.Litter left behind after an illegal gathering on the site in March.
Litter left behind after an illegal gathering on the site in March.
Permanent barriers are set to be installed at a hotspot for anti-social behaviour in Peterborough.

Plans have been put forward by city councillors in Hargate and Hempsted after the recent installation of temporary barriers at the entrance to the Vivacity Premier Fitness car park on Hadfield Road, Hampton on several occasions following reports of anti-social behaviour.

Over the last year, residents have complained about loud car meets causing disruption and noise pollution. Police have put several dispersal orders in place for the area and have also pledged to crackdown on anti-social car cruises.

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Last month, the site was also left in a mess after a large gathering took place in breach of lockdown rules.

Temporary barriers in place at Vivicity Premier Fitness, Hampton.Temporary barriers in place at Vivicity Premier Fitness, Hampton.
Temporary barriers in place at Vivicity Premier Fitness, Hampton.

Following this, Cllr John Howard revealed that a cross-party task force was looking at the aspects and impact of car cruises across the city but on a local level, councillors were pushing landowners to install barriers.

Temporary barriers have been put in place at several points during lockdown and ahead of bank holidays in the hope of preventing likely anti-social behaviour.

Now, however, funding has been set aside for permanent barriers but councillors have been left disappointed that the landowners themselves have not contributed to the costs.

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Cllr Howard said in a Facebook post: “We have had temporary barriers at various points of the lockdown, we have secured dispersal orders for the area and we have had regular dialogue with local residents, the Police, the City Council Enforcement Team and the car park landowners.

“We have set aside funding for barriers, after the landowners sadly declined our requests to contribute to the cost of gates at the site.

“We are very thankful there is an agreement in place from the Vivacity team that members of staff will open and close the barriers daily with the necessary signage in place. We now seek the final consent from the landowners following all the necessary legal checks and with the agreement of staff participation in place, we hope this will come in a matter of weeks.

“This issue has been of great importance to us as the disruptive behaviour has impacted residents’ lives, and whilst some solutions take time, we have never stopped working on behalf of our residents to achieve a lasting solution for the Vivavity site.”

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The Peterborough Telegraph has contacted the landowners for comment.