Peterborough woman who grew cannabis for medicine given community service

Court news. NNL-170524-154443005Court news. NNL-170524-154443005
Court news. NNL-170524-154443005
A Peterborough woman who said she grew cannabis for medicinal purposes has been ordered to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work.

Officers found 86 plants at Tracey Unwin’s home in Guntons Road, Newborough in May last year. Police said the drugs would have had a street value of £24,000.

During an interview Unwin accepted the plants were hers and claimed she was growing them for medicinal purposes. She told officers she has arthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome and lung disease and the oil from the plants was helping with the pain.

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Unwin was handed the 12 month order as well as 120 hours unpaid work at Peterborough Crown Court on Thursday (20 June) after pleading guilty to production of a Class B drug.

Detective Sergeant Philip Booty said: “Unwin admitted straight away that the cannabis was for medicinal purposes but this is still a criminal offence.

“Anyone in the county found in possession, growing, distributing or selling cannabis will be put before the courts.”