LETTER: Leaving the Christmas decorations up until February - Right and proper I say

When do you take your Christmas decorations down?When do you take your Christmas decorations down?
When do you take your Christmas decorations down?
In my house we leave at least one of the Christmas decorations up until the beginning of February.

Right and proper I say.

So many things in the church’s year have 40 days in them.

40 days in Lent, 40 days between Easter and Ascension Day.

So why not 40 days between Christmas and Candlemas.

Yes Candlemas on February 2 is the turning point from looking back to the birth of the Baby Jesus to looking forward to Good Friday and Easter.

So you see it truly is the end of the Christmas season, not 12th Night as we assume.

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That is the Feast of Epiphany, the arrival of the Three Wise Men, but Christmas goes on.

If you held a party to celebrate 12th Night, how about joining one of the churches who hold a Candlemas Service on (or near) February 2.

One such candlelit service will be held in St Giles Church, Holme, at 4pm on Sunday, February 4, 2018.

Everyone is welcome.

We would love you to join us.

Rev Gordon Limbrick - Holme