Free cat neutering day in Peterborough

Cats Protection columnCats Protection column
Cats Protection column
Peterborough Cats Protection, RSPCA and local vet practice Vets4pets are opening their practice doors on Sunday, October 21, to offer free neutering for cat owners across the Peterborough area (writes Peterborough Cats Protection spokeswoman Sheridan Gaunt).

This great joint charity venture will see vets and nurses from different practices come together and donate their expertise and time for free, supported by a team of experienced feline volunteers all working to achieve one goal, to support and reduce the sheer volume of unwanted kittens the charities see each year.

Neutering is so important. No one wants to see kittens have kittens, a reoccurring situation that all charities see year in, year out.

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Around 90% of cats with kittens coming into our branch of Cats Protection have been aged between 9 and 12 months old, many of these teenage mums can struggle requiring veterinary assistance when birthing, rejecting their litter, poor milk being produced etc. It is a fact that neutered cats live longer, healthier lives and it is the most humane way to stop unwanted pregnancies.

Neutering will also help prevent your cat straying, fighting and behaviour issues such as spraying, a pungent foul smell that is almost near impossible to get rid of.  

Spayed or neutered cats are often friendlier and more affectionate with their owners as they are not so much driven by their instincts. And, as we have already mentioned, there are fewer unwanted behaviours for their owners to contend with. It’s much easier to have a good relationship with your cat when you don’t have to worry about all the unfortunate situations that come up after your pet has reached sexual maturity.

Please act responsibly and get your cat neutered. The only qualifying criteria is that kittens must be over 16 weeks old and that you live in the Peterborough area. To run a day like this takes an enormous amount of organising so places will be limited and will need to be booked in advance.

Book your space now by calling our helpline on 0345 371 2750

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