Letter: Market area is embarrassment

the corner of Broadway and Midgate.the corner of Broadway and Midgate.
the corner of Broadway and Midgate.
Councillor Nawaz is spot on with his criticisms of the city centre, the proliferation of betting shops, charity shops, take aways, off licences, pawn shops, discount shops and the no go market have left the city centre a waste land.

The council should have redeveloped the area around the market first before fleeing to the comfy riverside.

The whole area is an absolute embarrassment.

My job takes me to Cambridge, Norwich, Milton Keynes, Lincoln, Leicester and Shaz is right, these cities have constantly evolved and they are only an hour away.

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Our MP should get his head out of the clouds and come back down to earth. Take John Lewis away (not yet reopened) and ask yourself sir what is in Peterborough for the John Lewis customer?

Talk, talk, talk , about the university, train station, the bus station all you want, Northampton has stormed ahead of us with all these investments.

Central Park is ok but too far from the centre to walk for a lunchtime break. More green space is needed to help brighten up the rather drab concrete environment.

I lost count of all the relevant agencies (talking shops) that are involved in actually getting any thing done, we need a mayor with real vision and power to shake this city up from sleepwalking to irrelevance.

Peter Hawker
