Ban on public drinking in Peterborough introduced for the first time

Alcohol litter on land owned by Railworld in the new PSPO areaAlcohol litter on land owned by Railworld in the new PSPO area
Alcohol litter on land owned by Railworld in the new PSPO area
New powers to ban all drinking in public are to be introduced in Peterborough for the first time.

A new order being implemented by the city council from May means anyone caught consuming alcohol in parts of Woodston, including near the Peterborough United ground, will be liable to an £80 fine.

The order does not include pubs.

The clampdown follows numerous reports of drink-related anti-social behaviour.

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This is the third Public Spaces Protection Order brought in by the council since they were introduced by the Government in 2014.

Under the new PSPO fixed penalty notices can also be issued for people caught littering, spitting, urinating or defecating in public. In addition, adults will be banned from being in a playground unless they are with a child of 14 or under, or acting as a carer. This is to prevent drug use and damage to equipment.

Fines will also be issued to people camping or lighting fires in public without permission, and for people who fail to disperse when asked to do so by an officer who believes they are intoxicated or causing alarm or distress.

Fletton and Woodston city councillor Andy Coles said: “This is great news for Woodston. We’ll be keeping an eye on the impact of the new order to make sure it delivers what residents have been telling me they want - a feeling of safety and pride in place.”

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Enforcement will be carried out by council and private enforcement officers.

The PSPO boundary covers the footpath next to the rail line, heading west to the back of Wharf Road. The boundary then runs from the back of the Wharf Road play area down to the junction of New Road and London Road. The boundary line then goes up London Road towards Charters.

A map of the PSPO area can be found here.