High five for Hammond and simply outstanding from Adam

Scott and Sue Mcleod (second and third left) collect their lifetime achievement award at PACTRAC's presentation night.Scott and Sue Mcleod (second and third left) collect their lifetime achievement award at PACTRAC's presentation night.
Scott and Sue Mcleod (second and third left) collect their lifetime achievement award at PACTRAC's presentation night.
​Rob Hammond received five awards at PACTRAC’s presentation evening.

​Susie Freeman and Adam Clark received four prizes apiece with the latter picking up the ‘Outstanding Performance’ award for his bronze medal in the World Standard Distance Championships at the first attempt, together with winning four local triathlons outright (Duston, Box End, St.Neots and Oundle).

Hugo Flikweert and India Lazenby were joint winners of the Junior Trophy.

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The first ever presentation of the Lee Kilby Most Improved Swimmer award was presented by Lee's widow Deborah to Jeremy Storey.

Jeremy Storey, second left, won the most improved swimmer prize at the PACTRAC presentation night.Jeremy Storey, second left, won the most improved swimmer prize at the PACTRAC presentation night.
Jeremy Storey, second left, won the most improved swimmer prize at the PACTRAC presentation night.

Lifetime Achievement awards were awarded to Scott and Sue McLeod for their services to PACTRAC over 30 years. Sue also received this year's PACTRACer of the Year Trophy.

The Most Improved Trophy went to Steve Skelhon and the Novice Trophy for the best first-year triathlete went to George Dann.

**Hammond celebrated by finishing fourth overall and winning his age group in standard distance triathlon at Holdenby House near Northampton.

Hammond finished in 2:37:08.