Spectacular night garden to open in Peterborough for visitors

Andrea's night gardenAndrea's night garden
Andrea's night garden
A spectacular night garden is opening in Peterborough which is believed to the first of its kind in the county.

Andrea Connor is opening her garden in Honeyhill, Paston, to visitors to experience the spectacular night setting while enjoying tea and cake.

For £4 adults can gaze at the stunning plants and water features, with the lighting gradually transforming the space at dusk. Money raised is donated by the National Garden Scheme to charity.

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Andrea said: “I have been through a lot of trauma in my life, and I have always said if I did not have the garden I would not be here. My garden is my safe haven. I hope this makes people go into their gardens more and appreciate the health benefits.”

The garden will be open from 7pm to 10pm on the next three Sundays. Follow the signs in Honeyhill to find it.